Saturday, February 28, 2009

Less burden.

I'm really all that I need. I always knew that, but I never actually realized how much of my life revolves around such a small sentence.
I have a lot on my mind. I just had a good talk/cry with two of my aunties, and they really enlightened me on a lot of things. My immediate family will always mean the world to me, but I'm not a bad person if I choose myself over them from time to time.
I can't be held down. My own person is enough weight that I have to carry, and anymore baggage would only hold me back and keep me from doing what I'm here to do. Whether that's a person or any other thing that stops me from being successful, I have no choice but to let go.
I love my life and every single part of it, and I am grateful for all that I have, had, never had, will never have, and will have sometime in the future. I can't imagine leaving behind anything and everything that my life is a part of currently, but the world is a much bigger place and I would be willing to do what I have to in order to be the person that I'm meant to be.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fuck you.

I'm fat. I need to go on a diet. Jeff told me that I'm growing sideways. =( I wanna go running and I wanna fucking dance. I'm so broke. I'm obviously super depressed right now but I'm really just being bipolar cus I'm gonna get my period in the next 36 hours. =(

Reminders to self.
-Stop slacking off in English. --starting next week -__-
-Start reading for history.
-Study for psych test on Monday.
-Do math homeworks.
-Finish Eclipse.
-Watch Slum Dog Millionaire.
-Stick to my so-called "diet".
-Get ridiculously shitfaced.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My blogs are always so long.

Wowzers it's been a while. So here are some interesting things that happened since my last encounter with blogspot.
-I went to chico with Krys &Matty to visit Nicole. Her friend Kelsey is tight. Chico is the weirdest place of my life. LOL.
-Kassi, Francis &I got drunk at Bay Billiards. Me &kassi went on a cute valentines date at Pho appetit and I love that place. Kassi snorted the whole night cus she forsome reason couldn't breathe right.
-I slept over Arleezy f's house for the first time in my life. Cute, huh? Lol Lo, Zach, Aaron &Nero came over for the first part of the night and just drank. Me &Arlene were hella knock status after they left and we just blabbered our lives away but it was a nice talk like always. Hahahaha and when we were ready to go to bed, we couldn't fucking sleep cus we kept singing sweet child o' mine and boats and hoes. Hahahahah &we kept saying randomass lines to StepBrothers. &of course we still weren't satisfied so we got up and youtubed her iphone for boats and hoes &sweet child o' mine. We fell asleep around 630 and we didn't see the sunrise. =(
-We got up and I thought it was still dumbass early but apparently it was already kinda late lol. We had lunch at Nix's, or I tried to. I had no type of appetite whatsoever. Me, Lo &Arz had a nice ketchup talk at Tap. They're my favoritest campers ever. We went to the mall afterwards and I pretty much maxed out my credit card. We went crazy cus boots were buy one get one free and shit. Hahahah. Then we met up with Aaron &Nero at the landing. I fed Aaron fries cus he had no hands. Lol then I went home.
-I had a GREAT 4 day weekend obviously.
-Friday night Nini girl and I had a feast at Roses Cafe hahaha. Then we watched "He's just not that into you" with Gino. &let me tell you, that was a GREAT movie. I'm usually not into romantic movies but this one was one of the better ones I've seen that didn't make me gag cus it wasn't too cheesey. I really identify with Alex, but I'm a girl hahaha. I need a boy Gigi. The 3 of us couldn't find anything to do afterwards lol so we went home. Then Line swooped me to go to Jay's house cus it's his birthday. We walked wall-e who is huge as fuck. We burned and I'm th ebiggest lightweight in the world.
-I had weezy. Kassi swooped me to stoge real fast at starbucks. Then I went to Nicole's &I met her dog -__- lol. Then we were off to Pam's. Me &Ha just bonded cus alkies like us tend to stick together at parties. LOL. Nicole is the biggest lightweight in the fucking world omg. We burned afterwards and me, Tina &Nicole were just having the biggest gigglefest in the world. Hahahahahahha. My stomach was hurting so bad cus we were laughing too much. Nicole and I somehow got home. Hahahaha &I found myself on my bed this morning hella dehydrated and shit but I'm always equipped with water bottles next to me.
LAZY SUNDAY TODAY. What to do what to do!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Very interesting weekend.

I spent most of my weekend sleeping. I'm not even complaining though. I needed to rest.
Anywho! I did some catching up with my homegirl Caroline on Friday night. It's always nice to spend time with that girl. We were also with Gino, Tina &met up later on with Christian.
Saturday was soooo fucking amazing. I slept all day &all night. Hahah any type of plan that Jeff and I made just failed dramatically, but we ended up having a stoge before the night ended. I pretty much catted on the girls for the party we were all supposed to go to though, -__-. Sorry.
Sunday was such a lazy sunday until dinner with Arlene, Justin, Francis, Jas &Aaron. We ate at texas roadhouse and I wasn't too satisfied with my smothered chicken. Afterwards we just chilled at Arlene's house, then we went to Tin's cus Sedrick &friends were there. Talk about segregated and shit. LOL it was almost as bad at Arlene's 19th birthday, but it didn't get that far. Of course I played drums on rockband, and as always I was raw as fuck. Muahahah. Prance, Aaron, Arleezy &I played hangman and tried to karatechop one another. Afterwards, Arlene Aaron &I headed back to Arleezy f's house and we attempted to run amuck and drink 40s but that plan failed. So we just cheeeled there. Aaron dropped me off and i went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up at 9 cus I got a text and I was ready by 930 but Arlene never woke up LOL. She swooped me and I blowdried her hair for her today cus she was on the phone. Hahaha. So I skipped all four of my classes today and we went to Bizzerkeley so Jujuface can get his piercing, which Auntie was not too happy about but ended up agreeing to anyways. His piercing looks nice! We ate at fat slice then dippd &got fucking lost on the way back. -__- I went out to dinner with family for my Kuya Alexis' birthday and we ate at Texas Roadhouse.
Pictures &pictures and a very nice catchup session with cousin Brian. I love that guy. I swear it was as if he and I never lost touch and we always just pick up where we left off. I'm grateful for having him in my life. &I also texted Dion. Hopefully things somehow go back to the way they used to be between us.
Anywho, I have work at 8 tomorrow -__-. Then I'm going vday shopping with kassi. I'm set on my surprise. Muaaha. Okie dokes peace out.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Daily blurbs.

So my week so far. School is intense. It's kinda difficult not being able to eat all day til around 730PM or so. My classes aren't as bad as I thought they would be, although I'm not too fond of my math teacher -__-. Her accent throws me off. I'm pretty psyched about my history class. I heard it's super hard but I'm up for the challenge. English is different. It's really art based, which is WAYYYYY out of my comfort zone. My teacher is so hands on and we haven't started on much literature, but I'm really excited for that. Psych is just naturally really interesting to me. Math is math. It's pretty easy I jsut really can't stand my teacher. Tuesday was wonderful. I had pho after work with my friend Kassi and we talked, and it was really really nice. Today was definitely interesting. I talked to my friend Kj, whom I hadn't spoken to in a few months, and it was so fucking weird. I didn't think I'd be able to actually spend time with her, but having that stoge with her was nice. Nothing like what I expected, but then again I don't think I expected much, if anything at all. The weekend is almost here! I'm kind of excited to finally spend time with Nicole. I miss my bestfriend Arlene. I forgot to call my friend Nikole back. She lives in Vegas and I'm glad she and I are still in touch. I'm kinda glad I'm finally getting my shit straight, with school at least. I'm gonna try and smile more. Maybe more people would find me more approachable and less bitchy. I'm gonna do my best to change my attitude about school. Maybe my experience will get better. Valentine's day is coming up and I'm kinda excited. Kassi and I are going on a cute dinner and we're gonna wear cute dresses and all that! =) no homo. I'm gonna make something for Kassi &Arlene strictly lol. I'm too lazy for everyone else, sorry. Maybe someone else. If I'm not lazy and I'm feeling nice hahaha. But yeah. MY jam of the week is; day &night - Kid Cudi vs. Crookers.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Clean slate.

I'm happy. Is that too much? I feel selfish because I have been putting myself before anyone else ever since forever ago. I always thought that this was why I was often unhappy. But after conversing with good friends, the truth suddenly slips out without me knowing that such a truth even exists. I think it's safe to say that I am content with everything that I have and don't have and I am open to whatever else may come my way in the near future. I know that there's more to life than what I have right now, but I'm fine where I'm at right this very moment. Of course it will get better just like it always does, and it's not always going to be easy. But I'm up for the challenge. I'm really really really excited for what my future has in store for me. That may include a boyfriend -__- but I'm not counting on it. Hahaha at least not for now. Anywho, Thank you Aaron &Nero for inspiring me to blog after like 9 jillion years.